Weight Watchers Peach Pie – Drizzle Me Skinny!


After making this Weight Watchers 3-point Peach Pie, you’ll never try a different peach pie recipe again! This lightened-up version of a timeless dessert is just what you need, whether you’re looking for a fun, fruity summer dessert or something that you can also make during holidays and celebrations. This easy peach pie recipe is simple enough for anyone to make, even if you don’t have experience making pies from scratch.

WW peach pie is a very simplified version, especially since the homemade pie crust only has three ingredients. It isn’t like your standard pie crust, which involves tedious baking techniques. It is made with protein-packed, zero-point Greek yogurt that makes the dough fluffy and easy to roll out. Although it is certainly different than a typical pie crust, it has a similar texture to traditional dough once it bakes. And it offers a delicious crust that perfectly pairs with the sweet peach filling!

Meanwhile, the fruit pie filling also has a simple base with just six ingredients. It is adaptable since you can make a fresh peach pie or a canned peach pie! In fact, you can even make it with frozen peaches if that’s all you have (refer to the variations section!). So, get out your rolling pin and round up your ingredients because you’ll surely want to try this divine recipe. It is the best peach pie recipe you’ll ever get your hands on.

Slice of peach pie with lattice toppingSlice of peach pie with lattice topping

Why You Should Try This Recipe

  • Low-Point: At just 3 points per slice, this peach pie is so dreamy! You can enjoy this yummy dessert without worrying about it taking up all of your daily points allowance.
  • It’s Delicious! This incredible peach pie has a nice, thick filling with sweet peaches and warm spices, such as cinnamon and nutmeg. The small amount of lemon juice brings a nice balance that ensures the pie isn’t overly sweet. It also enhances the natural flavor of the peaches!
  • Versatile: During holidays and celebrations, it can be tricky to find healthy dessert options. Luckily, this recipe can be your go-to whether you want to make it for the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. But hey, you don’t even need a holiday to make it. Next time you have an itch to bake, it can be your fun project for the day.

Recipe Overview

  • Serving Size: 1 slice (182g)
  • Number of Servings: 8
  • Time to Cook: 50-65 minutes
  • WW Points Per Recipe: 3 points per slice, 27 for the entire recipe. (Click here to view the recipe in the WW app. Weight Watchers login required)

Ingredients in Weight Watchers Peach Pie

Peach Pie Filling Recipe

  • 30 oz by weight Sliced peaches (Fresh or canned/drained peaches)
  • ¾ cup Zero-calorie sweetener (use a cup-for-cup sugar replacement like monk fruit powder)
  • ¼ cup Cornstarch
  • ¾ tsp Cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
Ingredients needed for peach pieIngredients needed for peach pie

Homemade Pie Crust Recipe

  • 1 ½ cup Self-rising flour
  • 1 ½ cup Nonfat plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp Canola oil
Ingredients needed for pie crustIngredients needed for pie crust

Instructions for making Homemade Weight Watchers Peach Pie (Step by Step)

First, make the pie crust.

  1. Mix the three ingredients together, gently combining them with your hands until a dough forms. Knead the dough inside the bowl until there are no longer any crumbs. Cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

2. Preheat oven to 375°F.

3. Separate the dough into two equal sections. With one portion, use a rolling pin to roll it flat between two pieces of parchment paper. You’ll want it to be rather thin because it puffs up, and it needs to fit across the circumference of the 9-inch pie plate.

4. Lift the top parchment piece off of the dough and then flip the dough upside down into the greased 9-inch pie dish.

Rolled out pie crustRolled out pie crust

5. Carefully peel away the parchment paper and work the dough as needed to fit the entire dish. Trim scraps away if needed.

Par-bake the crust

6. Put a fresh piece of parchment down in the dough and fill it with preferred pie weights. Bake for ten minutes with the weights, then remove the weights and bake for 5-10 minutes longer until the surface of the dough is set. This prevents the juices from making it soggy!

7. While the first dough portion bakes, make the peach filling by first mixing the sweetener, cornstarch, and spices together. Toss the peaches with the dry ingredients and add lemon juice. If using canned peaches, make sure to drain them first.

8. Prepare the other portion for the top crust. You can either make a lattice design or cover the entire top with the dough (make a slit for airflow.)

Fill and Bake the Weight Watchers Peach Pie.

9. After the parbaked crust slightly cools, fill it with the peach filling. Place your preferred crust design on top and (optionally) egg wash it with a beaten egg.

Unbaked peach pie with a lattice crustUnbaked peach pie with a lattice crust

10. Bake the pie for 35 minutes. At this point, the edges might be dark. Cover the rim with foil to prevent it from burning, and return to the oven for another 25-30 minutes or until thoroughly baked. You might need to cover the entire pie with foil for the last 10 minutes to prevent it from over-browning. When done, the filling will be thicker and bubbly, not watery. The top crust will be golden brown.

11. For best results, let the pie cool before serving.

Close up of baked peach pieClose up of baked peach pie

Variations and Substitutions

  • Peach Pie with Crumb Topping:  Some people prefer a cinnamon streusel or other crumb topping for their peach pies! If doing so, you can cut the pie crust recipe in half since you will only need it for the bottom portion.
  • Peach Pie with Graham Cracker Crust: Instead, you can make a graham cracker crust with crushed graham crackers and butter or a butter substitute. For this type of pie, you can leave it open-faced or sprinkle a crumb topping over the peaches.
  • Sweetener vs. Sugar: This recipe works best with zero-calorie sweeteners because they help keep the Weight Watchers points low. However, if you want to use granulated sugar, you certainly can! It will increase each slice to 9 points.
  • Frozen Peaches: You can also use frozen peaches for this recipe but you will need to completely thaw and drain them first so that it doesn’t make the pie filling watery.
  • Peach Pie with Tapioca or Flour:  tapioca starch and all purpose flour are also common thickeners that people use in pies. If you use tapioca flour/starch or flour in place of the cornstarch, you will need twice the amount. 
Overhead image of baked weight watchers peach pieOverhead image of baked weight watchers peach pie

Tips and Tricks for Making the Best Weight Watchers Peach Pie

  • I assure you that if you par-bake the crust and then bake the pie for over an hour, the crust will not be underbaked, even if it looks a little soft on the part that touches the filling. The peach juices will soften it, which is why the par-baking step is so important. When you take the right steps, it won’t be soggy or underbaked.
  • For best results, wait two hours after baking to slice into the pie. The filling will set as it cools. If you serve it too early, it might be runny in the center.
  • Make sure to roll the dough thinly. It isn’t a typical pie dough, and it will want to puff up a lot. Also, if you have extra scraps after trimming the edges, you can make a border with them like I did!
  • For pie weights, you can use dried beans, rice, or even granulated sugar! No matter what you use, make sure to put a piece of parchment paper over the dough before putting in the pie weights to create a barrier.

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Homemade Pie Crust Recipe

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Make the Pie Crust.

  • Mix the three ingredients together, gently combining them with your hands until a dough forms. Knead the dough inside the bowl until there are no longer any crumbs. Cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

  • Preheat oven to 375°F.

  • Separate the dough into two equal sections. With one portion, use a rolling pin to roll it flat between two pieces of parchment paper. You’ll want it to be rather thin because it puffs up, and it needs to fit across the circumference of the 9-inch pie plate.

  • Lift the top parchment piece off of the dough and then flip the dough upside down into the greased 9-inch pie dish. Carefully peel away the parchment paper and work the dough as needed to fit the entire dish. Trim edges if needed.

Par-bake the Crust

  • Put a fresh piece of parchment down in the dough and fill it with preferred pie weights. Bake for ten minutes with the weights, then remove the weights and bake for 5-10 minutes longer until the surface of the dough is set. This prevents the juices from making it soggy!

  • While the first dough portion bakes, make the peach filling by first mixing the sweetener, cornstarch, and spices together. Toss the peaches with the dry ingredients and add lemon juice. If using canned peaches, make sure to drain them first.

  • Prepare/roll the other portion for the top crust. You can either make a lattice design or cover the entire top with the dough (make a slit for airflow.)

Fill and Bake the Pie.

  • After the parbaked crust slightly cools, fill it with the peach filling. Place your preferred crust design on top and (optionally) egg wash it with a beaten egg.

  • Bake the pie for 35 minutes. At this point, the edges might be dark. Cover the rim with foil to prevent it from burning, and return to the oven for another 25-30 minutes or until thoroughly baked. You might need to cover the entire pie with foil for the last 10 minutes to prevent it from over-browning. When done, the filling will be thicker and bubbly, not watery. The top crust will be golden brown.

  • For best results, let the pie cool before serving.

3 WW Points per Pie Slice

Serving: 182gCalories: 155kcalCarbohydrates: 31gProtein: 6.8gFat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0.2gCholesterol: 2.6mgSodium: 259mgPotassium: 139mgFiber: 2.4gSugar: 5.2gCalcium: 113mgIron: 1.5mg

Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.

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