Reclaiming My Life Through Cultural Wisdom



I found myself spiraling into a state of severe burnout when the relentless demands of my career eroded my physical and mental well-being. I was but a shadow of my former self and I was desperate for a way out. What saved me was my ability to draw from the wisdom of diverse cultures to get on the road to a balanced life and reclaim my own life.

The depths of the burn

First, if you don’t already, you should know that burnout can sometimes creep up on you disguised as dedication or ambition: you will force yourself to endure long hours, and try to meet incessant deadlines, you will lose sleep, while an ever-present sense of inadequacy becomes your constant companion. This was my experience.

In the end, your health will most likely begin to deteriorate like mine did. And at that time, even the psychological recovery seemed to me like a distant dream, but it was a necessity I could no longer ignore.

Cultural wisdoms to the rescue

The very first thing you absolutely must do to lessen the overwhelming stress that plagues you is to learn to always anchor yourself in the present moment: a simple act of focusing on your breathing and being fully present can begin to quiet your restless mind.

This practice is rooted in Buddhist teachings that emphasize non-judgmental awareness and acceptance, offering practitioners reprieve from their inner turmoil.

Second, I will let you in on a little secret: a sense of belonging is a powerful antidote to the isolation that can compound burnout. This is perhaps why so many cultures place great emphasis on family and community.

I have always been interested in and, most times, astounded by the depth of cultural wisdom. It was, therefore, easy for me to draw inspiration from the communal focus of many cultures which highlights the importance of strong social connections. I began to pay great attention to spending time with my loved ones and even rekindling relationships that had withered under the strain of my ambitions.

“I have always been interested in and, most times, astounded by the depth of cultural wisdom.”

Finally, I learned to seek moderation in all aspects of my life by doing things like setting boundaries at work, making time for hobbies, etc. Thus I gradually restored equilibrium.

Scandinavian countries are renowned for their exemplary work-life balance which I think is a veritable blueprint for everyone interested in sustainable living. One great example is the concept of “lagom,” which is a Swedish term meaning, just the right amount, or not too much, not too little -i.e. balance!

You would also do good to inculcate one of the defining characteristics of the Danish culture, “hygge” (creating a cozy, contented atmosphere), and let it become an integral part of your daily routine.

“Scandinavian countries are renowned for their exemplary work-life balance which I think is a veritable blueprint for everyone interested in sustainable living.”

You don’t have to wait for the onset of burnout like it was in my case, to begin thinking about making the necessary life-saving changes. My journey from burnout to balance was neither swift nor easy, even though it was a great learning experience. And thankfully, the steps I took not only facilitated my recovery but also enriched my life in ways I had never imagined.

There is no time like the present to start integrating sustainable ways to manage your stress, take care of your mental health, and experience a sense of fulfillment.

So, embrace a little cultural wisdom and instill the balance in your life too so you can reclaim it from the brink of burnout.

A few practical changes and lifestyle integration to consider:

  • Dedicate time each morning to mindfulness, setting a peaceful tone for the day.
  • Have regular family dinners and weekend gatherings with friends to strengthen your social network.
  • Adopt a strict work schedule to ensure your evenings and weekends are reserved for personal time.
  • Embrace outdoor activities like leisurely walks, hiking, and reconnecting with nature to revitalize your spirit.
  • Make your home sanctuary, with cozy corners for reading, ambient lighting, and comforting rituals like tea/coffee time.

This post was previously published on


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Photo credit: Michael Henry on Unsplash


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